Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

This week was quite a week in the Kelley household. Work and school are keeping us extremely busy, but now we're on the two week doctor's appointment schedule. We had the 28.5 week checkup and everything is all good! I passed the glucose test without any problems, weight is good, and Jackson is adorable :-)

We had the 3D ultrasound done on Wednesday so we got to see our little boy's face for the first time. Here's some of the photos from the ultrasound.

Jackson and his little hand.
Jackson's big feet (according to the Ultrasound tech)
Jackson's adorable face
We're now at 29 weeks, and we had a wonderful time celebrating Easter with our church family at McCormick Road Baptist Church and Jon's mom and sister. It was a lovely message at church and then we had a great time of fellowship at the church potluck. Here's a few pictures from Easter! 

Family Picture
 29 Weeks Baby Bump

Here's what's going on according to
Your baby's the size of an acorn squash!
Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, we weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go -- can you believe he'll triple in weight before birth?

your baby at 29 weeks
  • He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March Madness

So the last three weeks have been absolutely hectic and CRAZY! Jon and I have probably been the busiest we've been in a long time. Busy season is at its peak, and we're a person down so I've been putting in as many hours that I can. Jon has been busy working and getting his papers, projects, and quizzes/tests done for his two graduate school classes. We've been trying to keep up with the house and keep our committments at Bren-Don Squares, barbershop, and spending time with family and friends, though it's definitely been a struggle.

In the past three weeks though, we've had some special events take place that we've really enjoyed. First, some of my college friends put on a wonderful baby shower for us in Birmingham, AL on March 17th. We ended up making the 10 hour drive on a Friday, had the fantastic shower on Saturday, and returned home on Sunday. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but we wouldn't have traded it for anything as we got to spend some time with soem absolutely fabulous people, friends and family alike, that we haven't seen in quite some time. A special thanks to Susan and Mama Fant for putting on the shower at Jim N Nicks, Katie for the adorable invitations, and Leslie and Joey for their hospitality in letting us stay at their home (and the delicious homemade strawberry cupcakes). We are so very blessed to have such wonderfule family and friends; little Jackson has all sorts of new goodies such as books, clothes, diapers, etc. I'm particularly excited that we now have his crib bedding (thanks Granny & Grandaddy!) so that we can get the right paint colors for the nursery. We'll be trying to get the painting done as soon as busy season and school are done, which will likely be in May. Our weekend in Birmingham also allowed us to spend some quality time with some family that we hadn't seen in a number of months. We had a lovely time with Jon's grandparents Conrad and Barbara Theiss before the shower, and we were able to have dinner with my grandparents and aunt and uncle after the shower. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come to the shower, we are so appreciative!

Here are some pictures from the baby shower in Birmingham, AL. I was 26 weeks at the time.
Me, Granny, & Aunt Cindy
Jon excited about the Bazinga! onsie from my mom
Kari, me, Suzanne & Sarah
Zeta Group Picture (though some had unfortunately left already)
Me & Jon's Grandparents
Jon and I were also fortunate enough to attend Chuck and Sandy Myers' annual Pig Pickin' event on Saturday, March 24th. It was wonderful to spend time with members of our square dance club, Jon's co-workers, and some of our other friends. We also were able to go for our first airboat ride thanks to Jon's friend Jay. It was absolutely awesome and we can't wait to go on another ride. We were able to see some bald eagles, falcons, and other wildlife along the St. Johns River. Here's a picture of the airboat.

Since the last update, there have been plenty of updates related to Jackson. We had our 26 week checkup on March 20th and everything is peachy keen. At that appointment I had my glucose test done, and as I have not yet heard back from the doctor, it appears as though we've passed! He has been kicking up a storm in my tummy and not only can we feel him, we can also see his movements now. I can tell when he has hiccups too, it's rather amusing, lol. We are now officially in the third trimester, and have upgraded to doctor's appointments every two weeks. We'll be having a 3D ultrasound at our next appointment, which is this upcoming Wednesday. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I can :-)

Here's the latest baby bump picture. 28 weeks!

Baby's now the size of a rutabaga!Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.    