Monday, January 30, 2012

It's a Boy!!!!

Okay, so the time has finally come...we know the gender of the baby! Jon and I will be welcoming our beautiful baby boy Jackson Clyde Kelley to our family in June :-) Here are the latest and greatest pictures from this morning's ultrasound:

Baby Jackson upside down.

Here's the evidence he's a boy!

Jackson with both legs crossed at the ankles.

He had his arms up near his head.

Chillin' on his back.

I have no idea what this is a picture of, but it's part of Jackson, lol.

Sorry this post is so short; however, as tax season is in full swing, this is as good as it gets during the week, lol. I will give a better update of things this upcoming weekend, including a new baby bump photo!

1 comment:

  1. Garrett and I are so happy for you two!!! :) Congrats on the new addition Jackson Clyde! Love the ultrasound pictures.
