Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let the good times roll!

Sorry the updates have not been consistent, busy season and trying to get things in order for Jackson's arrival have been taking a lot out of me these days. Well, now that Jon is home from his two and a half week work trip, I have a little bit of breathing room (and someone to tell me to take it easy every now and then).

So since the last update, Jon and I have had a lot going on. Busy season at my office is in full swing and Jon has been very busy on his current project at work. He is still trying to balance work and school as he is taking two graduate level classes this semester. I am trying to help coordinate/head up a clothing drive at the church for community members in need, so that has been keeping me busy trying to develop flyers for donations and figuring out logistics.

On to the important news...Jackson! We have had quite a few milestones in the past few weeks. First, we of course found out that it was Jackson growing inside of me...not a little girl. Jennifer was kind enough to go with me to the 20 week ultrasound and checkup as Jon was out of town. Everything is perfect with our little boy :-) Second, I felt Jackson move inside my tummy! He hasn't moved around too much, at least that I've felt/noticed, but it still feels awesome every time I feel it. It's like he's just saying hello :-) Jon is jealous because he can't feel it yet, but as soon as he can feel it I'm sure he will feel the same joy as I do.

My belly keeps growing and most people are starting to notice, lol. I finally gave in and went shopping for some maternity clothes. Thank you to Ashley for being my support system on my first shopping trip! On the positive side, I'm much more comfortable with elastic as it is oh so comfortable, hehehe. I am starting to have trouble getting comfortable when sleeping now, but thanks to the advice of a wonderful sorority sister from college, I have since purchased a body pillow which has helped immensely. Thanks Alix! I am also starting to get the occassional muscle cramps, the dull pain in my back, and the sporadic heart burn. But as I have an absolutely fantastic husband, I went and got a prenatal massage on a Friday evening while he was out of town which helped relax me and make my back feel better. I'm excited for my next one on the 24th of this month. I'm also a little more careful with the amount of peppers that I eat (as they were the cause of my first experience with heartburn last week).  Anyways, here's a picture of the ever growing Jackson from the outside.

Week 21

We are also now starting to accumulate more things for little Jackson. We now have a highchair, travel system (carrier, stroller, car seat base), clothes, and some toys...and so it begins! Thank you to all of your who are already starting to spoil our little baby boy, God has truly blessed us and we appreciate having such wonderful family and friends. We have also ordered the furniture for the nursery, so we will soon be tackling the project of converting the guest room into a vintage baseball themed nursery for our little guy.

For those of you who have asked, we are registered at Babies R Us and We did not double register for anything, so if you don't see what you're looking for on one of them, check out the other one.

1 comment:

  1. T- I wish I was there so that I could give you the biggest hug and tell you how much I miss you in my life! You were the best friend throughout college and I miss you girl! I am so happy for you and Jon. Jackson will be one of the luckiest little boys as he will have 2 amazing parents. I love you and I wish you all the best!
